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Où trouver Thalgo ?
Corps Spa Rituals from the 5 Oceans
Bains & douches (13)
Gommage (8)
Hydratants et Nourrissants (11)
Eaux fraiches (3)
Huiles de soin (3)
Amincissant & Raffermissant (9)
Crème Mains & Pieds (2)
Compléments Alimentaires (14)
Revitalise (9)
Nourrir (5)
Post-Épilation (3)
Affiner (7)
Raffermir (5)
Alléger (4)
Spa - Décontracter (4)
Spa - Energiser (3)
Spa - Relaxer (7)
Spa - Rééquilibrer (10)
Protéger & hâler (1)
THALGO has reinvented the Art of Relaxation by combining the best of the 5 Oceans with traditions and techniques from around the world to achieve complete physical and mental well-being.
150 ml - 33,00 €
250 g - 41,00 €
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